How to Remove and Prevent Bathroom Mold

A. Maurais & Son Inc. Urges Homeowners to Take Mold Seriously

Do you know how to remove and prevent bathroom mold? A. Maurais & Son Inc. is ready to help you with this problem in this month’s blog post. Mold is an unwelcome intruder on any property. It’s a health hazard, causing everything from rashes to headaches and respiratory health problems. It’s critical that you take care of this problem in the quickest manner.



How to Handle Your Black Mold Problems

Use bleach mixed together with two parts water in a spray bottle, and spray it over the affected area. Let everything sit for 10 minutes. This allows mold to fade away on its own. You can also use baking soda with small amounts of water. You can create a paste, which you should also let sit for 10 minutes.



Proper Ventilation Will Help to Reduce Your Mold Risk

Tiled walls on your shower and tub take on a lot of water, and those droplets take awhile to dry out. If your bathroom doesn’t have proper ventilation, this can create problems. Use a squeegee to get rid of water from the shower or stall after each use. Having free flowing air will also go a long way.


Let Towels, Bathmats, and Shower Curtains Dry the Right Way

Any soft material can be a prime target for mold growth. Drying these materials is important for everyone. You should also make regular cleaning part of the maintenance process. This reduces your risk for exposure and keeps the surfaces well.



Check for Tile Cracks and Wet Drywall, and Use Quality Paints

Cracked tiles are prime spots for water to make its way to the drywall. This leaves room for mold to form. Wood is also a vulnerable surface. Getting rid of mold is difficult. If you have a painted bathroom, semi-gloss finishes are water-resistant. This helps your walls to shine and look their best. You should also check with a trusted plumber from A. Maurais & Son to make sure that there isn’t more extensive damage.

For more information on how to remove and prevent bathroom mold, give A. Maurais & Son Inc., a call at (207) 897-3027. We are happy to discuss how to remove and prevent bathroom mold.