A. Maurais & Son Inc. Understands Plumbing Replacement Work
Do you know the answer to the question, “When should I replace my old plumbing?” A. Maurais & Son Inc. is ready to help you. No matter how old your house may be, you need to make plans for proper maintenance. Your plumbing is no exception. However, like everything else, your plumbing has a lifespan. This means preparing for replacement. Here are some tips that you need to consider before this important home improvement project needs done.
Know What Kind of Material Your Pipes Are Made From
Every type of pipe material has a different lifespan. Take a look at your home inspection report to know which kind of pipes you have. Sometimes, pipes will need replacement after 80 to 100 years of use. Some, however, may require it after 25 to 40 years of use. Now, even though your pipes may be older than those guidelines, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you need replacement.
Keep a Close Eye Out for Signs of Big Trouble
If you own a home that is older than 60 years, take a close look at exposed pipes. Take a look at the color for stains, dimpling, pimples, or flaking. These are signs that you are dealing with corrosion. Watch out for water leaks, too. Look at the color of your water. This is more important after a vacation or other extended absence as your water has laid in the pipes.
Replace Whenever You Choose to Renovate Your Home
Whenever you decide to renovate, this is another great opportunity to make a change. This can be for any-sized renovation project, whether it’s one room or the whole house. You can do it when you’re replacing anything in your kitchen or bathrooms. You can also take care of this for pipes that may pass to an upstairs bathroom.
Do you know when you should replace your old plumbing? Give A. Maurais & Son Inc., a call at 207-320-21347. We are happy to discuss the question, “When should I replace my old plumbing?”